14 March, 2008

Coffee and end tables

FREMO ITALY - norms for the FREMO-ITALIA - N Scale: Introduction. A group of Italians gets passionate you of railway modellismo has given life to. It consists in the spread of concept FREMO between. On this verrano page described to only eventual variations (rows pdf - 89KB) contentente the detailed lists for the realization of the modules FREMO-Italy N. Anyone has intention to realize a module following?nvitato norms FREMO-ITALIA at first to be associated to FREMO. (rows pdf - 89KB) contentente the detailed lists for the realization. Modules FREMO N-Italy must represent one not elettrificata secondary line to ordinary scartamento acclimatized in one plain zone with found railroad in. The period of acclimatization?' age IV, in the period comprised between 1970 and 1980. The administration?na granted railroad called SAFI (Belgian Societ?nonima for the construction and the exercise of the Railroads in Italy). The railroad not?lettrificata. in relation to the period of acclimatization?a to preview one telephone line of service in parallel with the such railroad sar?otata line of poles of support in wood, without the reproduction of i. A profile with railroad in found, typical of plains of the Italy north, developed from the charter members of FREMO-ITALIA N. Ogni module would have to bring back the name of the author and the owner. The dimensions of the modules are arbitrary, only the heads to profile standard go maintained of the specific width. They are demonstrates you prati modules to us of such dimensions that can be transport you from a single person, also through scales or that they are cos?arghi that to nobody comes in mind to try to us from solo. Water roads and course do not have to be realize to you in parallel with the railroad, poich?a lack of continuit?lle heads of the modules influence the modules negatively. It is recommended to represent on every module only a particular "scene", so as to to giovare to the validit?ella same without competitivit?eciproca. modules lacking in particular "scenes" they are the welcomes in the installations. They come distinguished the line modules, than they do not introduce other railroads if that main one and do not have connections simple electrical workers much, from the modules with places of. In the category you mail of movement are present stations, crossroads in full line, traffic control posts and stopped industrial and private connections. The places of movement with traffic of goodses must obligatorily be equip you of a pocket that can accommodate the papers wagon of the wagons that can receive to have one separate bucket for every railroad. In adding?ene to have a plan of support for the cargo orders, the regolator to palmare, exceeding wagons and locomotives, cargos (modellistici) removable, beer and/or a glass of water or one cup of caff?un support for station clock and the table with the cargo orders and the movements of the station. During the encounter?ecessario to clean up the railroads with one rubber or best with one fluid rag imbevuto cleaning up before the beginning of the operating session. The module must be recorded when?tato finished, second norms FREMO. In adding must be sended a design of the module in scale 1:10. of modules with movement places it must send also a sheet that contains the working lengths of the railroads and some considerations or examples on the industries or structures that take part in the exercise of the movement place. We have begun moreover to accept designs produced with programs of type CAD. The relative data you to the modules enrolled come cos?essi to disposition of the coordinators of the gathering and planners of the assemblage, under shape of rows or press on paper. The logon between the modules happens through bolts and dice to galletto and washers that are adapted to the present holes on the heads of the modules pi?arghi of the bolts use you, 8-10 milimeter for M6 lives from 6mm. the shape of the screw to connect the modules bens?a pressure developed from. They are therefore absolutely necessary of the washers. In this way?arantita the possibilit?i to be able to correctly regulate and to align the railroad to the ends of the exercise - small scostamenti in the landscaped cover go however puttinges R-on account. In order to obtain a landscape in compliance with the acclimatization, they come defined closely. The estremit?ei modules must represent obligatorily prati, better if it realizes to you with products Woodland Scenics Fine Turf. 50% T1344 (Burnt Grass) and 50% T45 (Green Grass). The massicciata one having of color limestone white man preferibilmente realized with products Woodland Scenics fine type B73 - Fine Buff to 80% with 10% of Woodland Scenics B72 - Fine Brown and 10% of B70 - Iron Fine One. in correspondence of heads in order at least 10 cm from the edge, verr?dottata this. To the inside of the heads the realization of the massicciata one potr?ifferire in coloration, always using the materials over indicates and with one quantit?Sui modules to you simple?referibile to only use. The longitudinal panels of the module go painted of black opaque or brown. The heads must be painted in the advanced part and on all superficial with a compound of green, the black brown and so as to to mask eventual deliveries that could turn out in sight if the module?nterconnesso to. In this way an unavoidable interruption in the landscape would not turn out. The sar?ealizzato landscape for one summery acclimatization (Luglio-Agosto). Grass and massicciata gi?ronte in the proportions registered letters is available in jars of several dimensions near FREMO-Italy N, buyable paying. Every module must remain independently in feet on the own legs of. They must as an example be used only binary with profile bottom like Peco. On these profiles the wheels can be used with) are accepted, but?ene to remember that wheels with bordini to norm NEM 310 do not circulate correctly on this profile. ?ertanto necessary one verification of circolabilit?rima using such railroad. Autocostruiti railroads and exchanges are allowed purch?utte the wheels with bordini to norm NEM and RP-25 can circular without problems. Coded railroads 80 or advanced ones are not admitted. the pi?ossibile the railroads Peco Streamline Finescale Tails 55, in order to avoid problems. The binary estremit?ei on the heads, will be knit to one crosspiece in circuito.2 milimeter regarding the head of the module. Except particular situations of system, deviatoi the English doubles quantity do not have to be. Admitted E' I use it of deviatoi double asymmetric on all the railroads, of line and of port of call the employment of deviatoi triple must be. The choice of the deviatoi would have to be inspired to the canoni real, privileging the use of deviatoi long on the line railroads and pi?orti in it makes us of port of call. From the point of view of the funzionalit?lettrica in the deviatoi it is necessary that: elements to polarized heart adopt themselves ovunque. the heart does not determine short circuit to the passage of the bordini (made but the case of improper tallonamento). the dead spaces do not determine problems of circulation to the rotabile, n?er the fall of the wheel, n?er the raising of border. They are not admitted dispositi you of armament predisposed for the maintenance of. In a generalized manner using the railroad Peco Electrofrog Code 55 not there are problems. In the maneuver zones the beam does not have to come down under i 500 milimeter, the angle of which had minimal must be deviatoio medium (the medium) of the railroads of the series Peco Streamline Tails 55, uses you the Peco Streamline long Tails 55 (large). E' admitted the sopraelevazione of the railroad in curve, until the maximum value of 1 milimeter, obtained raising the external track regarding that inner one. the sopraelevazione connections will be realize to you in the within of the parabolic connections entire, with not advanced slopes of the external track to the 10. case the sopraelevazione must be null in correspondence of the heads. These standards are worth also for the features not in sight. All the rotabile material must is supplied of hooks of type American produced from Micro-Trains, fixed to the chassis of the rotabile (?onsigliato. short Hooks or with different norms they are allowed alone on convoys to blocked composition that will not come therefore uniforms during (the fleeting convoys do not re-enter necessarily in this. Many wagons would have to be equip to you with additional weight, for migliorarne. being of approximately 35 g for wagons to 2 aces and approximately 50 g for the wagons to undercarriages. One table with the consistent measures to the metric international standard?iportata here under: All the vehicles must possess one paper wagon in order to participate to one operating session. The motor means will be equip you of decoder predisposed compatible NMRA-DCC for one. The locomotives will be characterized through their address. Preferibile E' to program decoder perch?l they address is univoco and accessible through two figures, cos?he also the palmari Roco Lokmaus2 can be employ to you during the operating sessions. The system of feeding adopted from system FREMO N-Italy?l NMRA-DCC. The system electrical worker of a module of full line?olitamente much simple one to realize: in parallel with the tracks they come puts down two cables to you (one for track). To the estremit?ei modules (or also in other points if necessary) the cables come. The estremit?ei cables to the heads introduce of the taken ones from 4 milimeter, that they go connected to second of the geometric situation to. To such aim they are used of the cable fragments with 4 thorns milimeter. The profile of the tracks must finish little before estremit?el the module (approximately 0,1-0,2 milimeter) in order to avoid contact electrical worker or mechanic between adjacent modules. One of the two tracks must directly be connected to bus DCC, while before other having interposed one light bulb of type 1156 (light bulb for direction pointers of the automobiles) to 12V, 25W approximately. to absorb the current in excess provoked from a short circuit on the module. In this way the light bulb avoids that the booster that feeds the system "notices" of the short circuit and removes immediately current to the entire tracing, with consequent stop of all the circulating trains. In the case in which there are pi?unti of feeding towards the tracks, the light bulb must be always placed and however between one of the two spin of the bus. For movement places that they have deviatoi, it marks them or lights that need feeding, it goes used a separate transformer adapted to the requirements of. Such transformer to have ONLY used for feeding the accessories of the modules and in no case must be connected to the tracks or other circuits that serve to the control of the trains. Admitted E' the use of batteries to 9V type transistor for the feeding of i. The realization of eventual necessary control consoles to the commando of the deviatoi, marks them or how much other?asciata to the constructor would have however to be installed in such way not to interfere or to damage itself during the transport of the modules and must be of easy understanding for being able to be used from others without necessit?i the too many explanations. N advises however the manual control of deviatoi through auction of steel and the switch for the polarization of the heart of deviatoi the Peco Electrofrog code 55. Scarpette of splice and flying features of railroad (extensible) of conjunction. The logon electrical worker always happens through cables and spine/prese. These taken and thorns are collegabili without ambiguit?rotaia of right, right thorn), in parallel with the direction of the conduct. FREMO-Italy N has established that, watching the head of the module frontally, male) to right is the thorn (and taken (the female) on the left. All the logons electrical workers go accurately knit s?he are sufficient space for being able to succeed to screw easily the lives putting hand to the inside of the module and that not are flying connections. Not there are exact standards for it codifies of the colors poich?l module to pu?ssere symmetricalally mounted, but?referibile to use cables of black and red color. The taken ones, saldamente berthed to the module must low be distant to maximum 20 cm from the center of the module, while the cables must exceed to the maximum of 30 cm. Every module, must have on wraps lateral one taken to telephone RJ-11 to Y (or equivalent, but preferibilmente RJ-12 to 6 poles for compatibilit?on the LocoNet protocol) pi?i 40cm does not give. This concurs the cable creation with 6 poles with long thorns RJ-12 approximately 90cm, for the logon of the BUS of the palmari commandos between the modules.

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