27 April, 2008

Handmade tattoo machine

. To speak about s?tessi, to tell themselves?empre difficult. One chat in front of two beers us?embrato a way pi?friendly "to fill up this page. To 16 years, to Genova&hellip.non me memory, I seem that the first one was a veliero on the shoulder. Then to Marseilles in 15 days two: I dredge and &hellip.&hellip.&hellip., all roba that not c&rsquo.?i?desso&hellip. - YOU HAVE LEARNED FROM SOMEONE Or SIX SELF-TAUGHT. - LIKE NEVER the TATUAGGI Of the ISLANDS MARQUISES. To initially they are approached me for reasons pure &ldquo.estetiche&rdquo., and then perch?e color background paintings that have served me in order to cover the old tatuaggi. - YOUR PREFERRED, ITALIAN TATUATORI And NOT. In Italy I do not say nothing, perch?on I would want to make twisting to nobody in the USA said. - THE PART THAT YOU PREFER OF YOUR JOB. I have begun in the ' 95, but in the first two years tatuato a ten of persons, therefore they said that tatuo &ldquo.seriamente&rdquo. from the ' 97. - ARTISTS, TATUATORI Or NOT, THAN HAVE INSPIRED To YOU. Creed (and I hope) that better as she is gi?acendo, therefore people who know what to ask, jobs grossi&hellip. Second Insomma me we are on the just road. - WHAT REPRESENTS FOR YOU YOUR TATUAGGI. Every detail of these tatuaggi has meaning?a history of a written person leans, like all the tatuaggi of the Pacific. The greater part is symbols protected to you, positive symbols you however, what in bottom it tried (and it tries) people. It appeals to to me tatuare people that tatuo now, are enough fortunate, I have one customers a lot affezionata&hellip. - SYMBOL, NAME, DESIGN THAT TATUERESTI. They are enough restio tatuare the name of the fidanzate&hellip. - THAT IT BLOTS some APPEALS TO to YOU TO USE and PERCHE&rsquo., appeals to to know with what job to me. - WHAT DOES NOT APPEAL TO YOU OF THE BUSINESS OF THE TATUAGGIO. Eventually months later the same laptop and an afternoon on to sofa helped me and my &ldquo.creative&rdquo. english to traslate this pages.don&rsquo.t remember, maybe the very first was to ship on my shoulder. Then in Marseille 2 in 15 days, to dragon and another that the don&rsquo.t remember. All stuff that is not to here anymore. The first tattoo the get paid for (something like the 10th, rightly &ndash. laughs -) was to stone mark of the ancient popolation here in Liguria. - How you&rsquo.ve learned to tattoo. For merely aestetic reasons, and because the large amount of black helped to cover old tattoos. And then it starts the passion. Italian scenes is getting closer to the world and the U. one, also if we&rsquo.re still quite to make as global professionality, as the way tattoo is intended, as art, as serious artistic expression. Here is still seen only as business, more built on quantity that quality. - PREFERRED TATTOO ARTISTS, ITALIANS AND NOT. The can&rsquo.t say nothing on italians, the don&rsquo.t want to be wrong with anybody. The did the very first tattoos in 95, but can say the started in 97. - Tattoo art in the next 10 years. The believe (and hope) that keeps getting better as it&rsquo.s doing, I know people that knows what to ask, large works. At the end the think we&rsquo.re on the right way. If i&rsquo.ll have the same passion i&rsquo.ll keep doing this job, when it will be over the don&rsquo.t know&hellip. - What you tattoos means to you. Every single detail in these tattoos has to meaning, is the story of to man written on himself, as all the tattoos from the Pacific area. Mostly to are symbol of protection, anyway positive signs, what at the end everybody seeked (and still seek). - Your preferred tattoo artist and why. My Choice is Again Gary Kosmala, also if is seeds-retired from tattoing. The like him because is to fanatic of precision, and is the right way when you work on somebody&rsquo.s skin. You have to take all the Time to tattoo needs, the don&rsquo.t like things made quickly and in hurry. - Who and what would you like to tattoo. Actually i&rsquo.m pretty lucky, the like to tattoo my customers, they to are very becomes attached to you - Symbol, name or design you&rsquo.ll never I give. Quite I&rsquo.m against girlfriend&rsquo.s name and stuff like that. - WHAT ABOUT THE EQUIMENT YOU USE. Like to know the tools the use. blate from me, with the advantage of possibilit?i the precise calibration of the second machine to of the job carrying out. - what you dislike of tattoo business. Don&rsquo.t like that one after the loads school of arts having supper with his parents decide to open to study.

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